Beynəlxalq təşkilatlar, diplomatiya və beynəlxalq əlaqələr ilə maraqlanan gənclərin nəzərinə!
Qeydiyyat linki: https://forms.gle/tD6TfbQfWdaWikSo6
This project is dedicated to promoting sustainable development through diplomatic efforts and advocacy. If you are passionate about sustainable development and want to make a difference, we invite you to join our network of SDG Diplomats.
As an SDG Diplomat, you will have the opportunity to work with a diverse group of individuals from around the world to develop and implement strategies to advance sustainable development goals. You will also have the chance to meet and network with experts from UN and many other international organizations, to contribute to various events and share your expertise and knowledge .
Main condition for registration: Participants should be 18 years of age or older.
Son tarix: 15 İyul
FACEBOOK: Edumap.az
TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.
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