Head of Physical Education Department
The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Physical Educational Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues.
• Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education;
• At least 3-5 years" experience in the required field;
• Excellent English speaking and writing skills
• Excellent skills classroom management, discipline and the ability to form friendly but appropriately formal relationships with students;
• A clear understanding of lesson planning and differentiation;
• Willingness to work with students aged 6-18, ability to work as a team;
• Create a cohesive and dynamic department, with a shared purpose to achieve at the highest levels.
• Create a climate which enables other teachers to develop and maintain positive attitudes and confidence in their teaching.
• Work alongside the Head of PE in the other section of the school to ensure consitency of approach, curriculum, and good use of teaching staff
• Educational orientation and training of students;
• Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies;
Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of Physical Educational Department) in the subject line.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure.
Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/.
A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021.
Salary depends on the level of qualification.
Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Willingness to work with students aged 10-18, ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Development of appropriate curricula and training materials to ensure that the school curriculum meets the requirements and guidelines; • Ensuring quality training, including stimulating analytical thinking; • Develop assessment practices that focus on student growth and development, providing effective and continuous feedback for students. • Contribute to the development of the online learning programmes and assessment Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Head of Mathematics Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Mathematics Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, Cambridge and National Curriculum Experience, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Willingness to work with students aged 6-18, ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs in mathematics. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Development of appropriate curricula and training materials to ensure that the school curriculum meets the requirements and guidelines; • Ensuring quality training, including stimulating analytical thinking; • Undertake a teaching role of approximately 0.6. • Liaise with the Head of STEM (6-9) and Head of Science (10-12) in managing the performance of the teaching team, establishing meeting rosters and reporting schedules. • Develop assessment practices that focus on student growth and development, providing effective and continuous feedback for students. • Contribute to the development of the online learning programmes and assessment • Lead the application of pedagogies that ensure active engagement in authentic, purposeful learning that capitalise on and meet the diverse needs of all students. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of Mathematics Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives. (IGCSE Global Perspectives is a groundbreaking and stimulating course that stretches across traditional subject boundaries and develops transferable skills. It is both cross-curricular and skills-based and taps into the way learners of today enjoy learning, including team work, presentations, projects, and working with other learners around the world). We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor"s or master"s degree in the required field; • Qualification requirement is Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives certification; • Excellent Azerbaijani/English/Russian speaking and writing skills; • Minimum 3-5 years of teaching/relevant experience is a pre-requisite for this position. • Willingness to work with students aged 11-18, ability to work as a team; • High motivation with students and feeling like an integral part of the school; • Preferred candidates with international experience RESPONSIBILITIES • Commitment to teaching and mentoring students; • Develop curricula and training materials to ensure compliance with the requirements and guidelines of the school curriculum; • To hold Global Perspectives lessons for each level (grade) and improve students’ abilities to think critically about a range of global issues where there is more than one point of view. • Responsible for teaching and developing students’ outstanding and transferable skills, including the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection and problem solving, communication and collaboration at Cambridge Global Perspectives IGCSE level grades. • Responsible for preparing teaching material as required in Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Secondary Global Perspectives curriculum framework. • Organizing various group works, seminars and projects to make the learning process more enjoyable. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title(Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021 Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Head of English Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of English Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, Cambridge and National Curriculum Experience, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Creating regular opportunities for teachers to share, reflect and improve on classroom practice; • Overseeing the development of a progressive and challenging curriculum; • Supporting teachers in the timely and effective reporting of information to parents; • Developing English to be an example of excellence to others within and beyond the school; • Ensuring all staff follow the expectations of the school and maintain the highest professional standards at all times; • Ensuring assessment and feedback strategies are of the highest standards and have a direct impact on improving the quality of teaching and learning; • Leading Department meetings; Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of English Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard.For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Primary Music Teacher The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Primary Music Teacher. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. RESPONSIBILITIES • Conducts training sessions with students considering specific pedagogical situation and specific features of the subject. • Uses various forms, methods, techniques. • Plans teaching materials for the subject, ensuring the implementation of curriculum and all students mastering based on basic requirements. • Promotes the formation and development of students" sense of interest and love for music and singing, the formation of musical ability, and works with the teaching staff and family to develop aesthetic education of students. • Organizes music and singing classes, literary and musical concerts and festivals. • In work with the students, the people use musical instruments as well as modern technical means. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor degree in relevant field; • At least 3-5 years of experience in the appropriate field; • Ability to use modern educational and electronic equipment (smart boards, tablets, computers, etc.) in the classroom; • Fluent in Azeri, excellent knowledge of English and Russian languages; • Required to teach in Azeri, English language abilities HIGLY DESIRABLE • Experience in using MS Office and Windows software packages • To establish effective communication with students and parents, school leaders, teachers and support staff. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Primary Music Teacher) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021 İbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi Heydər Əliyev adına Müasir Təhsil Kompleksindəİbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi vəzifəsinə müraciət etmək üçün ali pedaqoji təhsili olan namizədləri dəvət edirik. Biz yerli və xarici həmkarları ilə beynəlxalq mühitdə işləmək istəyən pedaqogika sahəsində davamlı öyrənmə və təkmilləşdirilməsi üçün açıq, dinamik, enerjili və təşəbbüskar müəllimləri axtarırıq. ÖHDƏLİKLƏR • Konkret pedaqoji vəziyyət və tədris edilən fənnin spesifik xüsusiyyətləri nəzərə alınmaqla şagirdlərlə təlim məşğələləri aparır. • Müxtəlif formalardan, üsullardan, metodlardan istifadə edir. • Keçdiyi fənn üzrə tədris materiallarını planlaşdırır, tədris proqramlarının yerinə yetirilməsinə, bütün şagirdlərin onları baza səviyyəli tələblər əsasında mənimsəməsini təmin edir. • Şagirdlərdə musiqi və nəğməyə maraq və məhəbbət hissinin yaranmasına, inkişafına, musiqi qabiliyyətinin formalaşdırılmasına xidmət edir, pedaqoji heyət və ailə ilə birlikdə şagirdlərin estetik tərbiyəsinin inkişafı üzrə işlər aparır. • Musiqi və nəğmə məşğələləri, ədəbi-musiqili konsertlər və bayramlar təşkil edir. • Şagirdlərlə apardığı işdə xalq musiqi alətlərindən və eləcədə müasir texniki vəsaitlərdən istifadə edir. NAMİZƏDƏ TƏLƏBLƏR • Müvafiq sahə üzrə ali təhsil; • İxtisası üzrə azı 3-5 illik iş təcrübəsi; • Dərs zamanı siniflərdə müasir təhsil və elektron avadanlıqlardan (elektron lövhələr, tablet, kompyuter və s.) istifadə bacarığı; • Azərbaycan dilini mükəmməl, ingilis və rus dillərini əla səviyyədə bilmək; • Azərbaycan dilində tədris tələb olunur, ingilis dilini bilmək isə YÜKSƏK DƏRƏCƏDƏ ARZUOLUNANDIR. • MS Office və Windows proqram paketlərindən istifadə təcrübəsi; • Şagird və valideynlərlə, Məktəbin rəhbər, pedaqoji və yardımçı personalı ilə səmərəli ünsiyyətin qurulması sahəsində yüksək səriştəlilik nümayiş etdirmək. Maraqlanan namizədlər (Word və ya PDF formatında) 1) sizin maraq və müvafiq vəzifəyə uyğunluq haqqında məktub (250-300 söz) və 2) cari CV şəkil ilə birlikdə təqdim etməlidirlər. Bu materiallar mövzu hissəsində iddia etdiyiniz vəzifənin adı (İbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi) qeyd olunmaqla[email protected]elektron ünvanına göndərilməlidir. Yalnız seçilmiş namizədlər dəvət olunacaq. Qəbul prosesi müvafiq prosedura uyğun keçiriləcəkdir. Kompleks yüksək səviyyəli işə qəbul üçün rəqabət qabiliyyəti və cəlbedici şərait təklif edir. Kompleks haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün,http://www.mtk.edu.az/en/linkinə müraciət edilə bilər. İşə qəbul prosesinin bütün mərhələlərindən uğurla keçən namizədə iş təklifi ediləcəkdir və müqavilənin başlama tarixi 1 Sentyabr 2021-ci il. Əmək haqqi ixtisas səviyyəsinə görə müəyyənləşdiriləcək. Son müraciət tarixi:16 İyun 2021
Head of Science Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Science Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical and leadership experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Should be able to cover and offer the following three subjects: BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY and PHYSİCS. Required teaching experience in relevant subjects. • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs • Demonstrated excellence in classroom teaching especially with regard to teaching and learning strategies • Proven interpersonal qualities and skills necessary for close cooperation with members of staff, parents, students and other members of the school community • Capacity to lead, mentor and offer professional support to teachers RESPONSIBILITIES • Leading the improvement of teaching practice and support staff performance in accordance • Contributing to the development and implementation of school wide policies, programs and procedures • Promote and demonstrate excellent teaching practice • Lead and mentor teachers in the Department to support and facilitate their work which may • include classroom observation and coaching • Oversee and manage the development and implementation of curricula, manage the evaluation, selection and allocation of curriculum resources within the Department • Supervise all staff (academic staff and support staff) in the Department including delegation of roles and responsibilities • Promote a wide range of extension activities relating to Science in the School • Keep up to date with curriculum and technological innovation and resource development Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of Science Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching) The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher education to apply for the position of a Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching). We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Higher education in the relevant field; • Minimum of 2-5 years professional experience, preferably in an educational field. • Fluent in Azeri, excellent knowledge of English and Russian languages; • Experience in using MS Office and Windows software packages; • Good communication, interpersonal and mediation skills. • Working knowledge of SND models, methods, and resources. • Ability to identify and respond to students" needs. • Excellent listening and problem-solving skills. • Patient, friendly, and accommodating personality. • Social perceptiveness and an understanding of body language. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Working alongside teachers and other members of staff to ensure that the best level of support is being given to students. • Working with them (SND) to help when learning. Helping them with different academic skills either inside the classroom or in additional one-on-one time. • Communicating with parents, so they are aware of the support that their child is receiving and to answer any queries that they may have. • Providing individual or group learning sessions with students who have Specific Learning Difficulties • Assist staff in developing teaching and learning and pastoral care strategies. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021 Xüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzre Koordinator Heydər Əliyev adına Müasir Təhsil KompleksindəXüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzrə Koordinator vəzifəsinə müraciət etmək üçün ali təhsili olan namizədləri dəvət edirik. Biz yerli və xarici həmkarları ilə beynəlxalq mühitdə işləmək istəyən pedaqogika sahəsində davamlı öyrənmə və təkmilləşdirilməsi üçün açıq, dinamik, enerjili və təşəbbüskar müəllimləri axtarırıq. NAMİZƏDƏ TƏLƏBLƏR • Müvafiq sahə üzrə ali təhsil; • Minimum 2-5 il peşəkar təcrübə, təhsil sahəsində olmasi tərcih ediləndir; • Azərbaycan dilini mükəmməl, ingilis və rus dillərini əla səviyyədə bilmək; • MS Office və Windows proqram paketlərindən istifadə təcrübəsi; • Ünsiyyət qurma, şəxsiyyətlərarası və vasitəçilik bacarıqları; • SND modelləri, metodları və mənbələri haqqında iş bilikləri; • Öyrəncilərin ehtiyaclarını müəyyənləşdirmək və onlara cavab vermək bacarığı; • Mükəmməl dinləmə və problem həll etmə bacarıqları; • Səbirli, mehriban və uyğun bir şəxsiyyət; • Sosial qavrayış və bədən dilini başa düşmək; ÖHDƏLİKLƏR • Şagirdlərin təhsilə yönəldilməsi və təlimi; • Şagirdlərə ən yüksək səviyyədə dəstək vermək üçün müəllimlər və digər işçilərlə işləmək. • Öyrənməyə kömək etmək üçün onlarla (SND) çalışımaq. İstər sinifdə, istərsə də əlavə vaxtda müxtəlif akademik bacarıqlara yiyələnmələrinə kömək etmək. • Valideynlər ilə ünsiyyət qurmaq, övladına verdiyi dəstəyin fərqində olmaları və suallarını cavablandırması. • Xüsusi öyrənmə çətinliyi olan şagirdlərlə fərdi və ya qrup dərslərinin aparılması. • Tədris, öyrənmə və pastoral qayğı strategiyalarının hazırlanmasında işçilərə kömək etmək. Maraqlanan namizədlər (Word və ya PDF formatında) 1) sizin maraq və müvafiq vəzifəyə uyğunluq haqqında məktub (250-300 söz) və 2) cari CV şəkil ilə birlikdə təqdim etməlidirlər. Bu materiallar mövzu hissəsində iddia etdiyiniz vəzifənin adı (Xüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzre Koordinator) qeyd olunmaqla[email protected]elektron ünvanına göndərilməlidir. Yalnız seçilmiş namizədlər dəvət olunacaq. Qəbul prosesi müvafiq prosedura uyğun keçiriləcəkdir. Kompleks yüksək səviyyəli işə qəbul üçün rəqabət qabiliyyəti və cəlbedici şərait təklif edir. Kompleks haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün,http://www.mtk.edu.az/en/linkinə müraciət edilə bilər. İşə qəbul prosesinin bütün mərhələlərindən uğurla keçən namizədə iş təklifi ediləcəkdir və müqavilənin başlama tarixi 1 Sentyabr 2021-ci il. Əmək haqqi ixtisas səviyyəsinə görə müəyyənləşdiriləcək. Son müraciət tarixi:16 İyun 2021
Type :Local vacancies Category :Other vacancies at MTK International School The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyev invites confident candidates to apply for the position ofHead Librarian English-speaking. We are looking for an experienced, dynamic, creative, and adaptable individual for this role to join our team and an organization that offers career advancement and great benefits. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS AND DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS
STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Willingness to work with students aged 10-18, ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Development of appropriate curricula and training materials to ensure that the school curriculum meets the requirements and guidelines; • Ensuring quality training, including stimulating analytical thinking; • Develop assessment practices that focus on student growth and development, providing effective and continuous feedback for students. • Contribute to the development of the online learning programmes and assessment Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (STEAM Teacher of İnternational Secondary) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Head of Mathematics Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Mathematics Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, Cambridge and National Curriculum Experience, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Willingness to work with students aged 6-18, ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs in mathematics. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Development of appropriate curricula and training materials to ensure that the school curriculum meets the requirements and guidelines; • Ensuring quality training, including stimulating analytical thinking; • Undertake a teaching role of approximately 0.6. • Liaise with the Head of STEM (6-9) and Head of Science (10-12) in managing the performance of the teaching team, establishing meeting rosters and reporting schedules. • Develop assessment practices that focus on student growth and development, providing effective and continuous feedback for students. • Contribute to the development of the online learning programmes and assessment • Lead the application of pedagogies that ensure active engagement in authentic, purposeful learning that capitalise on and meet the diverse needs of all students. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of Mathematics Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives. (IGCSE Global Perspectives is a groundbreaking and stimulating course that stretches across traditional subject boundaries and develops transferable skills. It is both cross-curricular and skills-based and taps into the way learners of today enjoy learning, including team work, presentations, projects, and working with other learners around the world). We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor"s or master"s degree in the required field; • Qualification requirement is Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives certification; • Excellent Azerbaijani/English/Russian speaking and writing skills; • Minimum 3-5 years of teaching/relevant experience is a pre-requisite for this position. • Willingness to work with students aged 11-18, ability to work as a team; • High motivation with students and feeling like an integral part of the school; • Preferred candidates with international experience RESPONSIBILITIES • Commitment to teaching and mentoring students; • Develop curricula and training materials to ensure compliance with the requirements and guidelines of the school curriculum; • To hold Global Perspectives lessons for each level (grade) and improve students’ abilities to think critically about a range of global issues where there is more than one point of view. • Responsible for teaching and developing students’ outstanding and transferable skills, including the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection and problem solving, communication and collaboration at Cambridge Global Perspectives IGCSE level grades. • Responsible for preparing teaching material as required in Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Secondary Global Perspectives curriculum framework. • Organizing various group works, seminars and projects to make the learning process more enjoyable. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title(Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher and Teacher of IGCSE Global Perspectives) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021 Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Head of English Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of English Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, Cambridge and National Curriculum Experience, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Ability to work as a team; • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Introduction of modern / interactive teaching methods and new pedagogical technologies; • Creating regular opportunities for teachers to share, reflect and improve on classroom practice; • Overseeing the development of a progressive and challenging curriculum; • Supporting teachers in the timely and effective reporting of information to parents; • Developing English to be an example of excellence to others within and beyond the school; • Ensuring all staff follow the expectations of the school and maintain the highest professional standards at all times; • Ensuring assessment and feedback strategies are of the highest standards and have a direct impact on improving the quality of teaching and learning; • Leading Department meetings; Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of English Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard.For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Primary Music Teacher The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Primary Music Teacher. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. RESPONSIBILITIES • Conducts training sessions with students considering specific pedagogical situation and specific features of the subject. • Uses various forms, methods, techniques. • Plans teaching materials for the subject, ensuring the implementation of curriculum and all students mastering based on basic requirements. • Promotes the formation and development of students" sense of interest and love for music and singing, the formation of musical ability, and works with the teaching staff and family to develop aesthetic education of students. • Organizes music and singing classes, literary and musical concerts and festivals. • In work with the students, the people use musical instruments as well as modern technical means. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor degree in relevant field; • At least 3-5 years of experience in the appropriate field; • Ability to use modern educational and electronic equipment (smart boards, tablets, computers, etc.) in the classroom; • Fluent in Azeri, excellent knowledge of English and Russian languages; • Required to teach in Azeri, English language abilities HIGLY DESIRABLE • Experience in using MS Office and Windows software packages • To establish effective communication with students and parents, school leaders, teachers and support staff. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Primary Music Teacher) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021 İbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi Heydər Əliyev adına Müasir Təhsil Kompleksindəİbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi vəzifəsinə müraciət etmək üçün ali pedaqoji təhsili olan namizədləri dəvət edirik. Biz yerli və xarici həmkarları ilə beynəlxalq mühitdə işləmək istəyən pedaqogika sahəsində davamlı öyrənmə və təkmilləşdirilməsi üçün açıq, dinamik, enerjili və təşəbbüskar müəllimləri axtarırıq. ÖHDƏLİKLƏR • Konkret pedaqoji vəziyyət və tədris edilən fənnin spesifik xüsusiyyətləri nəzərə alınmaqla şagirdlərlə təlim məşğələləri aparır. • Müxtəlif formalardan, üsullardan, metodlardan istifadə edir. • Keçdiyi fənn üzrə tədris materiallarını planlaşdırır, tədris proqramlarının yerinə yetirilməsinə, bütün şagirdlərin onları baza səviyyəli tələblər əsasında mənimsəməsini təmin edir. • Şagirdlərdə musiqi və nəğməyə maraq və məhəbbət hissinin yaranmasına, inkişafına, musiqi qabiliyyətinin formalaşdırılmasına xidmət edir, pedaqoji heyət və ailə ilə birlikdə şagirdlərin estetik tərbiyəsinin inkişafı üzrə işlər aparır. • Musiqi və nəğmə məşğələləri, ədəbi-musiqili konsertlər və bayramlar təşkil edir. • Şagirdlərlə apardığı işdə xalq musiqi alətlərindən və eləcədə müasir texniki vəsaitlərdən istifadə edir. NAMİZƏDƏ TƏLƏBLƏR • Müvafiq sahə üzrə ali təhsil; • İxtisası üzrə azı 3-5 illik iş təcrübəsi; • Dərs zamanı siniflərdə müasir təhsil və elektron avadanlıqlardan (elektron lövhələr, tablet, kompyuter və s.) istifadə bacarığı; • Azərbaycan dilini mükəmməl, ingilis və rus dillərini əla səviyyədə bilmək; • Azərbaycan dilində tədris tələb olunur, ingilis dilini bilmək isə YÜKSƏK DƏRƏCƏDƏ ARZUOLUNANDIR. • MS Office və Windows proqram paketlərindən istifadə təcrübəsi; • Şagird və valideynlərlə, Məktəbin rəhbər, pedaqoji və yardımçı personalı ilə səmərəli ünsiyyətin qurulması sahəsində yüksək səriştəlilik nümayiş etdirmək. Maraqlanan namizədlər (Word və ya PDF formatında) 1) sizin maraq və müvafiq vəzifəyə uyğunluq haqqında məktub (250-300 söz) və 2) cari CV şəkil ilə birlikdə təqdim etməlidirlər. Bu materiallar mövzu hissəsində iddia etdiyiniz vəzifənin adı (İbtidai Musiqi Müəllimi) qeyd olunmaqla[email protected]elektron ünvanına göndərilməlidir. Yalnız seçilmiş namizədlər dəvət olunacaq. Qəbul prosesi müvafiq prosedura uyğun keçiriləcəkdir. Kompleks yüksək səviyyəli işə qəbul üçün rəqabət qabiliyyəti və cəlbedici şərait təklif edir. Kompleks haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün,http://www.mtk.edu.az/en/linkinə müraciət edilə bilər. İşə qəbul prosesinin bütün mərhələlərindən uğurla keçən namizədə iş təklifi ediləcəkdir və müqavilənin başlama tarixi 1 Sentyabr 2021-ci il. Əmək haqqi ixtisas səviyyəsinə görə müəyyənləşdiriləcək. Son müraciət tarixi:16 İyun 2021
Head of Science Department The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher pedagogical education to apply for the position of a Head of Science Department. We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Master"s degree in the required field; • Fluent English language skills; • At least 3-5 years of pedagogical and leadership experience in the required field; • Experience in leading course design, as well as experience of working in an international environment / to international standards; • Should be able to cover and offer the following three subjects: BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY and PHYSİCS. Required teaching experience in relevant subjects. • Preference is given to candidates who have knowledge of the national and international subject programs • Demonstrated excellence in classroom teaching especially with regard to teaching and learning strategies • Proven interpersonal qualities and skills necessary for close cooperation with members of staff, parents, students and other members of the school community • Capacity to lead, mentor and offer professional support to teachers RESPONSIBILITIES • Leading the improvement of teaching practice and support staff performance in accordance • Contributing to the development and implementation of school wide policies, programs and procedures • Promote and demonstrate excellent teaching practice • Lead and mentor teachers in the Department to support and facilitate their work which may • include classroom observation and coaching • Oversee and manage the development and implementation of curricula, manage the evaluation, selection and allocation of curriculum resources within the Department • Supervise all staff (academic staff and support staff) in the Department including delegation of roles and responsibilities • Promote a wide range of extension activities relating to Science in the School • Keep up to date with curriculum and technological innovation and resource development Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Head of Science Department) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021
Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching) The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyevinvites candidates with higher education to apply for the position of a Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching). We are looking for open, dynamic, energetic and proactive teachers for lifelong learning and excellence in pedagogy who want to work in an international environment with local and foreign colleagues. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS • Higher education in the relevant field; • Minimum of 2-5 years professional experience, preferably in an educational field. • Fluent in Azeri, excellent knowledge of English and Russian languages; • Experience in using MS Office and Windows software packages; • Good communication, interpersonal and mediation skills. • Working knowledge of SND models, methods, and resources. • Ability to identify and respond to students" needs. • Excellent listening and problem-solving skills. • Patient, friendly, and accommodating personality. • Social perceptiveness and an understanding of body language. RESPONSIBILITIES • Educational orientation and training of students; • Working alongside teachers and other members of staff to ensure that the best level of support is being given to students. • Working with them (SND) to help when learning. Helping them with different academic skills either inside the classroom or in additional one-on-one time. • Communicating with parents, so they are aware of the support that their child is receiving and to answer any queries that they may have. • Providing individual or group learning sessions with students who have Specific Learning Difficulties • Assist staff in developing teaching and learning and pastoral care strategies. Interested candidates are requested to submit (in Word or PDF format), attached to an e-mail: (1) a letter of interest specifying particular suitability for the position and availability (250-300 words), (2) a current resume (CV) with a photo. Send materials via e-mail to[email protected]specifying the job title (Special Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (Teaching) in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. A competition will be conducted according to the appropriate procedure. Complex offers a competitive remuneration package and attractive conditions of employment of high standard. For more information about Complex, please visithttp://www.mtk.edu.az/en/. A candidate who successfully passes the all steps of recruitment process will offered a job and contract start date on September 1, 2021. Salary depends on the level of qualification. Deadline to applyJune 16, 2021 Xüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzre Koordinator Heydər Əliyev adına Müasir Təhsil KompleksindəXüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzrə Koordinator vəzifəsinə müraciət etmək üçün ali təhsili olan namizədləri dəvət edirik. Biz yerli və xarici həmkarları ilə beynəlxalq mühitdə işləmək istəyən pedaqogika sahəsində davamlı öyrənmə və təkmilləşdirilməsi üçün açıq, dinamik, enerjili və təşəbbüskar müəllimləri axtarırıq. NAMİZƏDƏ TƏLƏBLƏR • Müvafiq sahə üzrə ali təhsil; • Minimum 2-5 il peşəkar təcrübə, təhsil sahəsində olmasi tərcih ediləndir; • Azərbaycan dilini mükəmməl, ingilis və rus dillərini əla səviyyədə bilmək; • MS Office və Windows proqram paketlərindən istifadə təcrübəsi; • Ünsiyyət qurma, şəxsiyyətlərarası və vasitəçilik bacarıqları; • SND modelləri, metodları və mənbələri haqqında iş bilikləri; • Öyrəncilərin ehtiyaclarını müəyyənləşdirmək və onlara cavab vermək bacarığı; • Mükəmməl dinləmə və problem həll etmə bacarıqları; • Səbirli, mehriban və uyğun bir şəxsiyyət; • Sosial qavrayış və bədən dilini başa düşmək; ÖHDƏLİKLƏR • Şagirdlərin təhsilə yönəldilməsi və təlimi; • Şagirdlərə ən yüksək səviyyədə dəstək vermək üçün müəllimlər və digər işçilərlə işləmək. • Öyrənməyə kömək etmək üçün onlarla (SND) çalışımaq. İstər sinifdə, istərsə də əlavə vaxtda müxtəlif akademik bacarıqlara yiyələnmələrinə kömək etmək. • Valideynlər ilə ünsiyyət qurmaq, övladına verdiyi dəstəyin fərqində olmaları və suallarını cavablandırması. • Xüsusi öyrənmə çətinliyi olan şagirdlərlə fərdi və ya qrup dərslərinin aparılması. • Tədris, öyrənmə və pastoral qayğı strategiyalarının hazırlanmasında işçilərə kömək etmək. Maraqlanan namizədlər (Word və ya PDF formatında) 1) sizin maraq və müvafiq vəzifəyə uyğunluq haqqında məktub (250-300 söz) və 2) cari CV şəkil ilə birlikdə təqdim etməlidirlər. Bu materiallar mövzu hissəsində iddia etdiyiniz vəzifənin adı (Xüsusi ehtiyac ve fiziki məhdudiyyətlər üzre Koordinator) qeyd olunmaqla[email protected]elektron ünvanına göndərilməlidir. Yalnız seçilmiş namizədlər dəvət olunacaq. Qəbul prosesi müvafiq prosedura uyğun keçiriləcəkdir. Kompleks yüksək səviyyəli işə qəbul üçün rəqabət qabiliyyəti və cəlbedici şərait təklif edir. Kompleks haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün,http://www.mtk.edu.az/en/linkinə müraciət edilə bilər. İşə qəbul prosesinin bütün mərhələlərindən uğurla keçən namizədə iş təklifi ediləcəkdir və müqavilənin başlama tarixi 1 Sentyabr 2021-ci il. Əmək haqqi ixtisas səviyyəsinə görə müəyyənləşdiriləcək. Son müraciət tarixi:16 İyun 2021
Type :Local vacancies Category :Other vacancies at MTK International School The Modern Educational Complex named in Honour of Heydar Aliyev invites confident candidates to apply for the position ofHead Librarian English-speaking. We are looking for an experienced, dynamic, creative, and adaptable individual for this role to join our team and an organization that offers career advancement and great benefits. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS AND DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS
- Bachelor or Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) or the equivalent;
- Advanced English speaking and writing skills;
- At least 2 years of work experience and passion for working with high school students in educational settings, particularly libraries;
- Excellent collaborative, organizational, and communication skills;
- Strong knowledge of online catalogs, organized databases, Internet research;
- Interest in integrating technology in ways that enhance students" learning and growth;
- Passion for lifelong learning, professional growth, leadership, and community building;
- Patience, flexibility, and a good sense of humor;
- Manage library, acquisitions, circulation, online resources, cataloging, processing, and inventory;
- Support faculty in integrating research into their classes and developing resources for their curricula, including in-class instruction.
- Maintain, introduce, and implement information and technology services in the library
- Work with faculty and create database and research guides for different courses
- Help students with research projects and train them in the use of databases and other academic and technological resources.
- Oversee the library; serve at the front desk greeting/information desk and supervise students using the library
- Promote a love of books and reading through Library events, displays, and community outreach.
FACEBOOK: Edumap.az
TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.
Heçbir Rəy Yoxdur