Teacher Training Program

Do you have a passion for teaching or want to step into this area? If yes, then, do not miss an opportunity to participate in our three-day "Teacher Training Program" which will take place on January 25-27.

This Program seeks to equip participants with necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities essential to develop their own teaching. At the end of the Program, participants will get a deep insight into the components of assessment, steps for developing rubrics, techniques of building an effective collaboration with families, as well as will become more aware about the importance of teacher and student motivation. 

The Program is for those who desire to pursue a career in teaching and who are currently teaching in high schools and higher education institutions.

The "Teacher Training Program" will be conducted on ADA University campus free of charge.

Registration: ada.edu.az/register


FACEBOOK: Edumap.az

Gənclərin Xəritəsi

TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.

