The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship Program is an opportunity for young European business professionals to expand their networks, gain perspective, and engage with the U.S. business sector to exchange innovative ideas and best practices. The Spring 2024 YTILI Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, includes a five-month virtual entrepreneurship curriculum and a four-week Fellowship experience with a U.S. company. The program will engage a cohort of young European entrepreneurs in program activities to enhance the transatlantic dialogue between business leaders from Europe and the United States and create sustained cross-cultural collaboration.
- Be a mid-level professional, 25-35 years old.
- Be a citizen and current resident of Azerbaijan.
- Demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English.
- Have at least two years relevant work experience and be currently employed.
- Have demonstrated leadership and collaborative skills.
Each selected YTILI Fellow will:
- Attend virtual leadership and professional development activities.
- Be matched with a four-week, full-time fellowship placement host in a U.S. organization focused on issues relating to the Fellow’s work at home.
- Gain first-hand knowledge about U.S. business institutions and build relationships with American counterparts.
- Receive comprehensive on-program support. Travel and living arrangements will be covered as well as emergency health benefit on program.
- Become part of a prestigious alumni network with access to valuable resources and an international network of like-minded professionals
Program dates
The YTILI Fellowship Program will be implemented using a hybrid model, with virtual activities leading up to an in-person, U.S.-based exchange. The U.S.-based portion of the exchange will take place in Fall of 2024. Tentative dates are September 17 – October 25, 2024.
Siz ən azı iki il iş təcrübəsinə malik gənc azərbaycanlı sahibkarsınız Gənc Transatlantik İnnovasiya Liderləri Təşəbbüsü (YTILI) proqramı sizə işgüzar əlaqələr şəbəkəsini genişləndirmək və ABŞ-ın biznes sektoru ilə birbaşa tanış olmaq üçün əla fürsət təqdim edir.
Tələsin Müraciət üçün son tarix: 30 yanvardır!
Application deadline: January 30, 2024
To apply and for more information, visit www.ytili.org
FACEBOOK: Edumap.az
TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.
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