Teacher for the SAT verbal program

Job vacancy: Teacher for the SAT verbal program.

Requirements for a candidate. (Candidates are advised to read carefully all the requirements).

  • Minimum 3-5 years of experience in the relevant field.
  • The certificates of 5-7 students you have taught so far, with results 700+ out of 800. 
  • Opportunity to work full day.
  • Higher education (English language teachers or Translator major’s graduates will be in priority).
  • International certificate that proves English language level (C1 level).
  • International degrees for English language teaching (TEFL, TESOL, TKT and so on).

Main responsibilities:

  • Result oriented teaching abilities.
  • Professional knowledge in teaching program and methodology in “Digital SAT” program.
  • Drawing up and presentation of questions for regular trial exams beforehand.
  • Ability to follow trends and innovations of the subject.
  • Draw up and teach a program properly, based on the course’s syllabus.
  • Ability to teach in a group and to individual students.


  • Salary- 2.500- 3.500AZN.
  • On Monday- Saturday 10:00- 20:00 (Candidates, who are not able to suit to aforementioned schedule won’t be considered).
  • The labor contract based on Labor Code of Azerbaijan Republic.
  • “Study Lab” office/address: Jalil Mammadguluzadeh 102A, City Point Baku.

How to apply: [email protected]  in the subject line of e-mail to write the name of the job post- “Teacher for the SAT verbal program”, add certificate that proves your english language level, certificates of your students, who were able to gain 700+ from SAT exam, and a document about international degree for English language teaching.


The last day of apply: 10 May 2024. 


FACEBOOK: Edumap.az

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TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.

