
Vacancy for geophysics Program Coordinator

We are hiring! Vacancy for geophysics Program Coordinator:

Job Description:

- Provides with continuous interaction with short-term visiting professors for further communication with students;
- Attends some specialty courses of the visiting professors to get acquainted with the program and the scientific equipment used by the professors;
- Coordinates and identifies the field trips related to the courses / specialty if necessary;
- Prepares coordination and material conditions for practical works and field trips, assists the invited professors during their practical works and / or field trips;
- Interacts with different companies to organize guest lectures for UFAZ students and also internship possibilities (requires in depth knowledge of student’s capacities, as well as the skills and knowledge provided in their specialty);
- Main contact and reference person for the companies and the students for the overall internship process;
- Creates the updated database with all contact details of the companies related to geophysics specialty at UFAZ;
- Ensures the right implementation of policies and practices of the internships according to pedagogical requirements;
- Follows up the internships through frequent communication with students and companies, as well as visits onsite to the companies to check working conditions of the students during the students’ internship;
- Coordinates study projects of the students linked with their specialty;
- Participates in the academic improvement of the programs, by voicing suggestions and ideas that make sense considering the environment and labor market in Azerbaijan;
- Assists in establishing Research relations with local universities and Research centers.

E-mail your CV to [email protected] specifying the Job Title in the subject line.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The cut-off date for application is January 31, 2023.



Gənclərin Xəritəsi – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.