
Akademik işlər üzrə şöbənin rəhbəri vakansiyası





The Director of Studies will play the main role in establishing, coordinating, and developing academic aims and standards of ADA Primary School in alignment with the full school education cycle. The Director of Studies will monitor, maintain, and strive to raise the standards of teaching provision, in order to ensure that students are consistently offered the highest quality of education.



  • Set the academic standards, subject requirements and academic procedures of ADA Primary School;
  • Develop and review Academic policy documents of the primary school;
  • Oversee the implementation of curriculum and suggest necessary improvements to ensure a smooth transition from primary to middle school, while staying up to date with the latest developments in education;
  • Continuously collect and analyze data and make recommendations for effective functioning of the school;
  • Coordinate the implementation of the fair and comprehensive methods of assessment to ensure the accurate reflection of students’ capabilities and attainments;
  • To create an environment for teaching and learning which makes best use of the talents and abilities of teachers and students;
  • Coordinate regular professional development opportunities for teachers, focusing on best practices, curriculum updates, and the unique needs of primary education;
  • Collaborate with the school Principal, teachers, administrators, and parents to align the Primary School’s educational goals with the overall mission and vision of the institution.


  • Master’s degree in education, curriculum and instruction, assessment, or related field from an accredited institution;
  • Minimum of three years teaching and/or education management experience;
  • Proven experience in curriculum design, assessment and data analysis with ability to synthesize and analyze quantitative and qualitative data, prepare and present reports effectively, and make necessary recommendations;
  • Proven experience of educational leadership and working with a team in educational settings;
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills;
  • Strong organizational skills;
  • Good command of both Azerbaijani and English languages.

Interested candidates are requested to submit: (1) Current resume (CV) with the opening statement. Opening statement should explain why you are suitable for the position and include skills summary. (2) Contact information of two references – to the [email protected] specifying the Job Title in the subject line.

The deadline for application is February 15, 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further recruitment processes.



Gənclərin Xəritəsi – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.