ABŞ-ın Azərbaycandakı Səfirliyi Orta Məktəb Müəllimləri və İdarəçiləri üçün SUSİ Proqramına müraciət prosesinin açılışını elan edir

ABŞ-ın Azərbaycandakı Səfirliyi 2023-cü il üçün Orta Məktəb Müəllimləri və İdarəçiləri üçün SUSİ Proqramına müraciət prosesinin açılışını elan edir

 Namizədlər orta karyeralı, 30-50 yaş arası, yüksək motivasiyalı və təcrübəli orta məktəb müəllimləri və inzibatçılar olmalıdırlar. Namizədlər ingilis dilində səlislik nümayiş etdirməlidirlər.

 Müraciət üçün son tarix 10 noyabr 2023-cü ildir.




The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Secondary Educators are intensive, post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign secondary educators and administrators with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The ultimate goal of the Institutes is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States at overseas secondary schools and other academic institutions.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes for Secondary Educators will provide three multinational groups of 20 experienced secondary school educators (including teachers, administrators, teacher trainers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, Ministry of Education officials, and others) with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, education, and culture – past and present. The focus of the Institutes will be on providing content and materials for participants to develop high school-level curricula about the United States. The four-week academic residencies will take place at U.S. universities, colleges, or other academic institutions, and will consist of a balanced series of lectures, panels, seminar discussions, readings, workshops, site visits, meetings with practitioners in the field, and cultural activities. One-week study tours to a different region of the United States will complement the four-week academic residencies. One goal of the study tours is to showcase the cultural, geographic, and ethnic diversity of the United States.

Two of the Institutes will be tailored for secondary school teachers; please note that the main focus of the Institutes for teachers is on content and materials about the United States, rather than teaching methods and pedagogy. The third Institute will be tailored for experienced administrators, including teacher trainers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, ministry of education officials, and others.

The University of Montana (UM) in Missoula, MT will oversee and administer the three SUSIs for Secondary Educators and will conduct one Institute for teachers which will explore U.S. studies through the lens of democracy and citizenship.  The Institute for Training and Development (ITD) in Amherst, Massachusetts will conduct the second Institute for teachers which will explore the ways in which individual rights and social obligations have evolved through American history.  California State University at Chico will conduct the Institute for Administrators and will focus on sociocultural understanding, equitable learning communities, and diversity and inclusion in U.S. education and society.

Who can apply?
Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly-motivated and experienced secondary school teachers and administrators with limited prior experience in the United States.  Ideal candidates are individuals who are seeking to introduce or enhance aspects of U.S. studies into their curricula or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for education professionals in U.S. studies or related fields. While the nominees’ scholarly and professional credentials are an important consideration, the potential impact and multiplier effect from their participation in the Institute is equally important.  Ideal candidates will have little or no prior experience living in or visiting the United States. Candidates must demonstrate English language fluency.  Institutes are rigorous and demanding programs; participants will be expected to handle substantial reading assignments in English and to fully and actively participate in all seminar and panel discussions.  Candidates should be willing and able to fully take part in an intensive post-graduate level academic program and study tour. U.S. citizens and permanent residents (green card holders) are not eligible for these programs.

Based on application review and interviews, U.S. Embassy will select and nominate one candidate per Institute from Azerbaijan to compete globally.


Online Application Deadline:
November 10, 2022


Application Link


Program dates in the U.S: May-July 2023

Please, send your updated resume with the subject “SUSI for Secondary Educators/Administrators 2023” to [email protected] 

For additional information, please, email to [email protected].


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TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.

