“Preserve culture” project's second training

On the Ministry of Science and Education initiative, the “Preserve culture” project's second training will be held on 1-5 May 2023.
The design and delivery of a bespoke 5-day training program on heritage restoration is for construction and building managers, architects, engineers, and other practitioners. 4th-year students, masters, and young practitioners can apply. The program aims to introduce participants to theories and practical skills in contemporary and traditional restoration approaches and provide experience with materials & techniques used for the renovation and restoration of heritage. Training will be conducted by AASchol Architects Omid Kamvari and Filippos Filippidis.
Language of instruction: English.
25 places are available.
If you want to attend the training please contact me by DM or send your CV to [email protected].


FACEBOOK: Edumap.az

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TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.

