Dear students!
With great pleasure, we would like to announce the opening of an online SPE Khazar Summer Internship Program that is designed to facilitate the technical and professional growth of students from June to August 2021.
The theme of the internship is formation evaluation and it consists of 2 parts. In the first half of the program, you will go through intense training on well log interpretation and in the second half, you will be provided with real data from the Volve field of Equinor to analyze, derive and present preliminary results.
Parallel to practical tasks, you will be asked to work as a team to prepare and deliver presentations on well logging and soft skill development. You will also have a chance to design and update your CVs. So, we offer you to join us to gain invaluable technical experience, develop soft skills and build a strong background for your future career!
Who should attend?
The internship is designed to give participants an appreciation of the practice of petrophysics. Any bachelor’s student who is planning to build a career in petrophysics or well logging disciplines can apply for the program.
Note: It is the Non-paid fee program.
Program language: English and Azerbaijan
Program duration: 8 week
Registration link:https://bit.ly/spesip2021
Registration deadline: May 31, 2021, 23:00
FACEBOOK: Edumap.az
TELEGRAM:Edumap.az – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.
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