Azərbaycan-Fransız Universiteti "Texniki Mühəndis" vəzifəsi üzrə vakansiya elan edir!
Maraqlanan şəxslərdən[email protected]elektron poçt ünvanına mövzu hissədə vəzifə adını – “Texniki Mühəndis/"Technical Engineer” yazmaqla CV göndərərək müraciət etmələri xahiş olunur.
Vacancy for Technical Engineer
Brief description of UFAZ:UFAZ is an ambitious project initiated by the Presidents of the French Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2014. It is administered by thehistoricuniversity of Azerbaijan - theAzerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) from the Azerbaijani side and the prestigious University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) from the French side.
UFAZ delivers 2 national diplomas (French and Azerbaijani) at the Bachelor level in the following specialties: Computer Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Geophysics, Oil and Gas engineering. And at the Master level in the following specialties: Data bases and artificial intelligence, Chemical engineering, Physical chemistry/cheminformatics, Geosciences. Tuition language is English.
Position description:
Vacant positions: Technical Engineer
Type of contract:Full-time
Start date:As soon as possible.
Position in the organizational structure: Attached to the Management of the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), collaboration with Facility Administrator. Technical Engineer is responsible for a total surface of approximately 7000 m² consisting of two buildings.
Job Description:
- Plans, organizes and manages the technical tasks of the two buildings of UFAZ, especially the scientific laboratory (2500 m²) and its equipment, in close relationship with the service providers in order to provide the continuity of services for users at the building level and didactic models (for example chemical engineering benches).
- Organizes and conducts a maintenance and operations management system.
- Safety aspects should be considered as an important issue in the overall tasks.
- Achieves the first levels of maintenance with the help of the internal team and knowing how to diagnose technical problems in order to handle heavier interventions.
- Checks that the contractual aspects are followed. To be the guarantor of the maintenance of the good settings of the installations in all the technical fields (HVAC, electricity, SSI, elevator, sanitary…etc.).
- Controls the operation and performance of installations and equipment in collaboration with external service providers. Check daily that the performance of buildings in terms of energy and functionality are respected.
- Organizes a management system: data collection, organization and planning of interventions.
- Establishes, develops and actively participates in the maintenance and monitoring of information in CMMS (Computer Assisted Maintenance Management) to improve reliability and data and improve responsiveness.
- Ensures the reporting in close relationship with the Management.
- Organizes and guarantees the maintenance of the performance and quality of the building.
- Proposes, justifies, and manages the continuous improvements of the functionalities of the building such as its air and water tightness for better performances, the internal processes closely related to the field of thermal engineering.
- Establishes and enforces local maintenance planning.
- a) Knowledge of the work environment
- CVC / HVAC domain techniques (general knowledge)
- Knowledge in Multi-Technical Fields (general knowledge)
- Knowledge in regulation and metrology (general knowledge)
- Knowledge of regulation of institutions receiving public, laboratories (general knowledge)
- Techniques for optimizing the conduct of installations (general knowledge)
- Fire safety regulations for public buildings (general knowledge)
- Safety standards and procedures (general knowledge)
- Construction regulations (basic concepts)
- Equipment installation and maintenance techniques (in-depth knowledge)
- b)Operational Know-how
- Working with Facility team
- Diagnostic of problems on technical installations
- Organization, planning, maintenance and correction work with cost control
- Control of the external companies
- Application of the norms and standards of the University
- Quality of listening and exchange
- Possess adaptability
- Adapt and take an interest in all building trades
- Taking initiatives
- Organization of the work and sharing it with the various interlocutors
- Communication with the users and managers of the components
- Great sense of responsibility
- c) Specialization and diploma
- Experience as Technical Engineer or similar position
- Master’s degree in Engineering, Industrial / Tertiary, Fluid thermal or Electro technical maintenance
- Excellent written and verbal communications in Azerbaijani and English languages are required
- Proficiency with computing software such as Outlook, MS Office
FACEBOOK: – Vakansiyalar, Təcrübələr, Təqaüdlər Seminarlar, Təlimlər Müsabiqələr və s.
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